The loranet2
is a LoRa development and experimentation board with a focus on applications requiring multiple
radios, like long distance relaying and mesh networks. This hardware has also been the basis for the (soon
to be released) software platform LoRaTerm.
Hardware Overview
The core of loranet2
is an ESP32
microcontroller, providing Bluetooth Low Energy 4.2 and WiFi. This is connected
to two DORJI DRF1276G LoRa modules which contain the SX1276 chips, a Low Noise Amplifier and associated antenna matching
The board also provides a USB to Serial programming interface, LiPo
battery charging circuit and the remaining
available GPIO
pins broken out on a 2.54mm header
- ESP32-WROOM-32 (ESP32-WROOM-32U available in the future)
- DORJI DRF1276G x2 (SX1276 chip)
- CP2102N Serial Interface, supports customizing
Serial ID
- MCP73811T LiPo Charger
- AP2112K-3.3 for main power, has ~150mA spare power budget.