CoAP over Everything

This research deep dive was inspired from using my Dust Collector Remote . It works great, but after a year using it I’ve found the delay to connect pretty annoying. On bad days with a router misbehaving the 4 or 5 second delay while I’m waiting to turn a tool on can get frustrating.

This started getting me thinking about how it could be handled faster. I’ve used ESP-Now a handful of times and have appreciated it’s quick boot to ‘do something useful’ time. But in past projects, I’ve mostly used it as a raw socket and formatted my own messages. Wouldn’t it be nice to have MQTT infrastructure without the setup latency of WiFi or the complexity of BLE/GAP/GATT? I also spent some time dabbling with CoAP a bit this year and while it seems common to treat it more like HTTP, but when using features like Observe Resource it looks a lot more like MQTT or BLE Notifications.

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DIY Workshop Remote Dust Collection

Once you get to use a dust collector remote in someone else’s shop, your dust collector will not be the same. For me it was in a well maintained woodworking shop in a co-working space in Oakland, every time I was back in my shop at the museum I was irritated to not have it, frequently just leaving the dust collector whirring away contributing to my tinnitus and wasting power. Now that I have a decent workshop setup in my home it was something that had to be addressed, not just for the table saw and other tools but I wanted it to be able to be controlled by the CNC.
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Cacoffiny Bare PCBs for sale

Going to have a small batch of unpopulated PCBs available in the new OiT Electronics shop.

Selling these will help with a final revision of this PCB that will correct some of the mistakes that made manufacturing and bring-up too difficult to make continuing worth while.

Get one now!

BARE Cacoffiny’s

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ESP32 startup times

I found myself in a conversation about ESP32 boot times. Specifically the time it takes from boot until user code can do something useful with an IO.

As this was something relevant to Richmote but I didn’t have any actual data I decided to do a simple setup to measure the results. My test setup consisted of two probes one connected to the RST line and the other to a random GPIO. The firmware would immediately setup the GPIO as an output and pull it HIGH. Nothing else.

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